Thinking about a Raspberry Pi
I had some inspiration and did some googling and I have discovered that I can run a webserver on a raspberry pi. Why? I am running a dozen websites on an old desktop computer in a cluttered room we call the “cat room”. It has been a storage room for old furniture and the cats have decided it’s a good place to take an occasional piss. The old PC draws about 150 watts. A Pi draws 5 or 6 watts. It makes no sense to leave the old PC running all the time to serve a few simple websites.
I asked Erica for Raspberry Pi 400 for Christmas, so I may be installing a LAMP stack on a Pi on Christmas day. (LAMP is Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP and is a standard web server configuration.)
If I can get it working I will turn off my desktop PC, perhaps for a long time. I will probably only turn it on to do Taxes and write short stories.